photo by Nile Scott Shots

God's Ear, Actor's Shakespeare Project (dir. Thomas Derrah, photo by Stratton McCrady)

I Was Most Alive With You, Huntington Theatre (Dir: Craig Lucas; photo by Charles Erickson)

on the set of Moonrise Kingdom (dir: Wes Anderson; photo by Niko Tavernise)

Constellations, Central Square Theater (dir: Scott Edmiston)

The Luck of the Irish, Huntington Theatre (Dir. Melia Bensussen; photo by T. Charles Erickson)

Whaling City (dir. Jay Burke)

Hedda Gabler, Gamm Theater (Dir: Tony Estrella)

People, Places, and Things, Speakeasy Stage (dir: David Gammons; photo by Nile Scott Shots)

Othello (dir. Steve Maler)

Sweat, Huntington Theatre (dir: Kimberly Senior; Photo by T. Charles Erickson)

The Tempest (dir. Paddy Swanson, photo by T. Charles Erickson)

Yerma, Huntington Theatre (dir: Melia Bensussen; photo by T. Charles Erickson)

with Elizabeth Marvel in PBS American Masters: Louisa May Alcott

A Streetcar Named Desire, Gamm Theater (dir: Tony Estrella)

Becoming Cuba, Huntington Theatre (dir. Bevin O'Gara, photo by T. Charles Erickson)

Hamlet, Actors Shakespeare Project (Dir. Doug Lockwood; photo by Nile Scott Shots)

The Hotel Nepenthe (dir. David Gammons; photo by Stratton McCrady)

Macbeth (dir: Allyn Burrows, Elm Shakespeare Company)

Reckless (Dir: Scott Edmiston, Speakeasy Stage)

POTUS (SpeakEasy Stage, dir. Paula Plum)

I Was Most Alive With You ( with Russell Harvard, Playwrights Horizons, dir. Tyne Rafaeli)

Romeo & Juliet (directed) Actors Shakespeare Project (photo: Maggie Hall)

The Winter's Tale, Commonwealth Shakespeare Company (Photo: Nile Scott Shots)